Bible study plans you can actually stick to

Create custom Bible study plans that fit your schedule and goals in less than 30 seconds

Let's be honest.

You're tired of this:

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There is a better way

Customize your plan

Create a plan that fits your schedule and goals

A few clicks is all it takes to create unlimited plans. Want to focus on patience this week? No problem. Peace and joy next week? We've got you covered.

3 easy steps
3 easy steps is all it takes to create a plan that's customized for you.
Powered by BibleAI
BibleAI helps us create a plan that fits your schedule and goals.
Unlimited study plans
Create unlimited plans. We'll keep track of your progress and help you stay on track.
Share with others
Share your plans with others. Use our plans for your group study, or for your own personal study.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

What if I don't like my plan?

You can create unlimted plans until you find one you like. If you can't seem to find one that works for you, reach out to and we will take care of you.

Aren't there plenty of Bible reading plans already?
Yes, there are plenty of Bible reading plans already. You're here because you want a plan that works for you that is customized to your schedule and goals. We're here to help you find it.
How does BibleAI work?
BibleAI helps us create plans customized to you by using its knowledge of the entire Bible and your unique goals.

Improve your study habits today.

Create your first plan in less than 30 seconds.